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At the Healing School: Testimony of Healing from Heart Disease

Spr 65 E1693648049506Testimony of Healing from Heart Disease

Imagine living with a debilitating heart condition, constantly being told by doctors that there is little hope for a cure. That was the reality for one woman who suffered from mitral valve prolapse, a condition that affects the heart’s ability to pump blood efficiently. Her life was filled with uncertainty and fear, until she attended a special Friday service led by a renowned prophet.

As she sat among the congregation, listening to the prophet’s words of hope and healing, something extraordinary happened. The prophet spoke directly to her, addressing her condition and assuring her that God’s healing power was present in that very moment. A wave of laughter filled her heart, and she couldn’t help but join in. It was a moment of pure joy and release.

After the service, the woman decided to take a leap of faith and trust in the prophet’s words. She made the decision to pursue further medical evaluation, despite the discouraging prognosis she had previously received. Three weeks later, she found herself sitting in the office of a heart specialist, anxiously awaiting the results.

What she heard next was nothing short of miraculous. The heart specialist confirmed that her condition had inexplicably improved. The once-faulty mitral valve was now functioning normally, as if the disease had never existed. The doctors were astounded and had no medical explanation for this sudden turnaround.

This woman’s story is just one of many testimonies of healing that have emerged from the special Friday services led by the prophet. Each week, people from all walks of life gather at the Healing School, eager to experience the transformative power of God’s healing touch.

Join Us Every Friday at the Healing School

If you are seeking healing or know someone who is in need, we invite you to join us every Friday at the Healing School. Located at the Kingdom Temple on 93 Camberwell Station Road in London, this sacred space is where miracles happen.

At the Healing School, you will be immersed in an atmosphere of faith and expectation. The prophet, guided by divine inspiration, delivers powerful messages of hope and restoration. Through his prayers, individuals are touched by God’s healing power, both physically and emotionally.

It is important to note that the prophet requests your prayer request as a point of contact. By submitting your prayer request, you open the door for God’s intervention in your life. You can easily submit your prayer request by visiting our website: Submit Your Prayer Request.

Experience the Miraculous

If you are unable to attend the Healing School in person, we offer a live broadcast of the Friday services. Join us every Friday at 7:30 pm UK time, and be a part of the incredible healing testimonies that unfold within the Kingdom Temple.

God’s healing power knows no boundaries. It is not limited by time, distance, or circumstance. Whether you are in London, New York, or anywhere else in the world, you can access the healing touch of God.

If you are ready to experience the miraculous, join us at the Healing School. Let God’s healing power wash over you, making you whole once again. The path to healing starts with a simple step of faith.

For more information or to contact us directly, please call:

UK: +44 207 738 3668

US: +1 347 708 1449

Together, let us embrace the power of healing and witness the transformative miracles that await us at the Healing School.

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