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You Are Invited For Global Partners Prayer Meeting With Master Prophet.

Dear Child Of God,

Every week Prophet Climate Partners Get a 1 Hour Moment to meet with their prophet for face to face meeting through zoom. They Learn the spiritual secrets that guarantees them victory . Would like to be a apart of this special gathering then connect …

Master Prophet Climate Wiseman is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Free 1 Hour Deliverance Master Class  & Global Partners Prayer Meeting – With Master Prophet Climate 

Time: 06:00 PM London     

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 837 3747 6713

Passcode: 286458



Submit your prayer request at 

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Kind Regards

Dr Climate Wiseman


  • Avatar Of Karee Gayle
    Karee Gayle
    Posted July 29, 2022 at 5:30 pm

    I pray that ALMIGHTY YAWEH THE GOD OF DAVID will remove my enemies from out of my life at once!!!!! I also pray that GOD will remove every witch, worlock, demon assigned genie, the genie & witches that inflict pain in my body, the genie that is assigned to destroy my mind, my life, my success, my soul, my finances, my health, my character and my future!!!!

    • Avatar Of Prophet Climate
      Post Author
      Prophet Climate
      Posted July 29, 2022 at 11:13 pm

      Karee, I see God is about to deliver you from this situation I have written you an urgent email please check asap. also I will recommend you to book a Prophetic Appointment Please click here to get this special Powerful prayer books about Jinns

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