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what we preach

Jesus has taught us patience and love

what we preach

Jesus has taught us patience and love

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. (1 Corinthians 13:13)

Master Prophet Climate
Dr Climate Wiseman
The Bishop


herever Jesus went, travelling from city to city, one thing remained constant, and that was his willingness to stop for anyone that called on him for help. From the little girl that was on her death bed, to Peter’s mother in law who was sick with a fever. tempor.

He was always ready and willing to do what it took for his sheep. At The Kingdom Church, we believe that every single person is important.

From our children to our elderly, we do whatever we can to accommodate you and make you feel welcome and at home. 

spiritual search

The opportunity to find hope in your life

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing [through the experience of your faith] that by the power of the Holy Spirit you will abound in hope and overflow with confidence in His promises. (Romans 15:13)

Water Baptism
Spiritual Baptism
Prayer Warriors
our values

We invite you to pray and worship our Father God

The Kingdom Church is a place of hope, a place of deliverance, a place of healing, a place of restoration.


Event schedule


Monday Special Healing & Deliverance Service

Our Church 1st Floor, 205-215 High Street Orpington, Orpington, London, United Kingdom

Every Monday At 7PM Powerful healing & Deliverance Ministry takes place in London. Hundreds of people flock to The Kingdom Church for a personal touch and prayer from the Anointed servant of God our Bishop Master Prophet Climate. 


Midnight Church Online


Dear Child of God, Powerful Things Are Happening At Our Midnight Church. Just Read Some Of The Recent Testimones From Our Members God of Vengeance Fights Her Battles Man of…


Lunch Hour Deliverance Prayer Service In London

Our Church 1st Floor, 205-215 High Street Orpington, Orpington, London, United Kingdom

Lunch hour prayers are a great way to focus your day on hope and strength. Especially when you are facing challenges at work or in business. This prayers are very effective when…

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